Bluetooth Parking Bollard with Automatic Closing

Bluetooth activated within 20 metres to automatically recognise and close once your vehicle leaves the parking space.  You control who has access via the Smartphone App. Compatible with IOS and Android devices.

$ 380.00 AUD

How Do Safety Bollards Help Keep Businesses Safe and Secure?

Safety and security are paramount concerns for both owners and customers alike in today’s business scenario. From preventing vehicle accidents to safeguarding storefronts from potential ram-raids, safety bollards play a crucial role in fortifying businesses against various risks. These simple yet effective barriers offer a multitude of benefits, ranging from protecting assets to enhancing the…

Unlocking Business Potential with Removable Bollards

In the realm of urban infrastructure, removable bollards stand tall as unsung heroes, quietly safeguarding businesses while offering a plethora of benefits. These sturdy yet versatile barriers have become indispensable assets for various enterprises, from small storefronts to large corporations. Let’s delve into the myriad advantages of employing removable bollards in Sydney and how they…

Maximising Security and Convenience: The Advantages of Automatic Parking Bollards for Businesses

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance security, streamline operations, and provide convenience for their customers and employees. One such solution gaining popularity is the implementation of automatic parking bollards. These retractable barriers offer a range of benefits for businesses across various industries, from enhancing security to optimising parking space…

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